Browse Items (59 total)

The artifact is in one piece, a broken glass shard of irregular shape. It was plainly once circular, and formed the end of a cylindrical shape. Most likely this is the bottom of a bottle. It is marked with an ‘F’ in the center and along the edges…


This is a round, flat, white piece of milk glass with two consecutive rings outside of it with the inscription ‘Consolidated Fruit Jar Company, New York’ around the outermost ring. It is about 3.5 inches in diameter. The center circle has a symbol on…


The bottom half or quarter of a brown glass bottle, with the SB & G Co maker’s mark horizontally across the bottom, with the number 30 under it.

Blue glass bottle fragment with “Pat. May 16TH 1899” embossed on bottle base and on the bottle side embossing ending in “...& Bro.” The bottle is fragmentary and only part of the side and base are present but the shape is of a square sided bottle.

Metal four holed button with embossed lettering reading John Wanamaker


Over 20 pieces of metal corset slots/pegs from corset busks. Oval-like shapes with an opening in the center and 2 raised bumps/circles on the corners of the opposite end. Some vary in size and shape, with rectangular fragments attached to the back…


2 small metal shank buttons, about 1.5cm wide each
Both are corroded but contain raised images of an eagle, an anchor, rope, and five-point stars
One is flat and the other is convex
1 metal shank button with an image of an anchor in the center,…

This collection includes:
-13 metal suspender buckles and adjusters in various sizes, shapes, and designs
-22 metal pieces composed of 2 connected pieces featuring a hole in the center on the end
-4 small rings pieces that fit through the above…


This collection includes:
-3 pieces of blue flow pottery
-1 of the 3 has a maker's mark

White ceramic fragments with floral and geometric designs, as well as a woman in traditional Japanese dress holding a box (or square lantern).
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